The Virtual School Day at OAO

A Day in VR
If you’re seeking an immersive and innovative educational experience that can captivate your children’s attention and fits your schedule, you might want to explore Optima Academy Online’s classical education programs that incorporate virtual reality.
At this virtual school, children can enjoy a structured curriculum of rigorous courses while also having ample opportunities for self-paced learning and educational entertainment.
What is Virtual School?
By choosing virtual learning, families can enjoy a high-quality curriculum while also taking advantage of the unique benefits of learning from home. With no need to travel to a physical school or worry about inclement weather, students can focus on their studies and receive support from real teachers through virtual classrooms, tutoring, and office hours as needed. Optima Academy Online is proud to offer virtual learning options for students from kindergarten through ninth grade, providing a flexible and accessible education to families who value the benefits of learning from home.
What to Expect When Learning From Home
Optima Academy Online offers a unique approach to education that prioritizes flexibility and adaptability. With our learn-from-home model, families have the added value of making school times work for them rather than the other way around. Students can learn at times and in environments that best suit their needs, whether that’s early morning, late afternoon, or at night. Our school empowers families to take control of their own schedules and make education fit seamlessly into their lives.
The Daily Schedule and Routine
The traditional school-day schedule is a thing of the past at Optima Academy Online. Students have the freedom to work on asynchronous assignments in the afternoons, giving them the flexibility to pursue other interests or spend time with family. And for upper-school students, self-paced, scholar-led assignments allow for deeper learning and a more personalized approach to education.
The Benefits of Virtual Learning
Parents who are always on the go can enjoy more quality family time, as students can take school with them. And for those who desire a more immersive learning environment with frequent parent-led field trips and excursions, our school is more than flexible enough to accommodate those needs. At Optima Academy Online, families are in the driver’s seat. Our focus on freedom and flexibility puts the choice and structure of school back in the hands of families and what works best for them.