Enrichment Offerings
in Missouri
What OAO Offers in Your State
Welcome to Optima Academy Online’s national course catalog page, where we have ‘hacked’ time and space—harnessing the power of virtual reality to deliver educational enrichment opportunities anywhere! Students can explore virtual classrooms, museums, and historical landmarks, bringing lessons to life in a way that textbooks simply can’t.
OAO is Now Available in Missouri!
Virtual Reality Field Trips

We offer a 12-month subscription to our VR Field Trips. During these months, you can spend as much time in our uniquely created Metaverse environments as you like. Each environment has its own theme, learning experiences and adventures. Plus, each adventure in our explorations is a single user experience, aside from our in-system learning guides, offering you top safety as you journey through.

Ready to Get Started?
ClassWallet & Shopify
How to Shop Online with ClassWallet
Click the links below for helpful guides and information from the ClassWallet team to learn more about how to purchase your VR Field Trips!
How do I Purchase OAO Products?
Optima Academy Online is proud to offer a selection of products nationwide. Each of our products is available for private purchase (for pricing please fill out the information form on this page) and, in select states, can be purchased with funds from an Education Savings Accounts (ESAs).
Can I Use my ESA to Purchase OAO Products?
How Much do OAO Products Cost?
Optima Academy Online offers 3, 6 and 12 month subscriptions to our VR Field Trips. We also offer bundles which include a Meta Quest headset along with your choice of subscription length.
In addition, OAO offers a variety of on-demand and live courses from which you can choose to enroll in.
For more information on pricing and registration on VR Field Trips or online courses, please fill out the form above.